Wednesday, April 25, 2007


1. a) Mrs Mallard is described to have heart trouble. She seems like the type of person who does everything her husband asks of her. She receives bad news that her husband dies but in a weird way its good news to her. "She said it over and over under her breath! "Free, Free, Free! The vacant stare and and the look of terror that had followed it went from her eyes. They stayed keen and bright. Her pulses beat fast, and the coursing blood warmed and relaxed every inch of her body." To me this showed that she felt that she was held down for a while and now that her husband was dead she was finally able to live life for herself. "Free body, Soul Free." this means that shes happy. Her husbands walks in the home and she drops dead because it was described as a joy that kills.
b) the social issue to me would be freedom and happiness. She wants to show the way women feel like slaves to their husbands. Its kind of like she is showing behind the scene of marriage.

2. a) In the story, " The battle with Mr. Covey" he talks about how hard Mr. Covey work them in his quote," It was never too hot or too cold, it could never rain, blow, hail, or snow too hard for us to work in the field. Work, Work, Work was scarcely more the order of day than of the night." this shows how hard he was on his slaves. When Mr. Covey got into an argument with Mr. Douglass changes his whole outlook on him. the fight he had made him never hit Fredrick again. When he quoted, "You have seen a man made a slave, you shall see a slave made man." I think that he stood up for himself and showed Mr. Covey that he wasn't afraid anymore.

b) The social issue would be slavery, he is showing the way that slaves were treated, unfairly and tortured everyday of their life.

the purpose.....

Fredrick Douglass unlike most slaves had a little education. He wanted others to see what he went through on a daily basis let alone what others did also. "This battle with Mr. Covey was the turning-point in my career as a slave. It rekindled the few expiring embers of freedom and revived within me a sense of my own man hood." That showed that standing up and being a man fighting for what he knew was right made him feel good about his self.

3.In this book i read called Ghetto Heaven it showed how the streets of Brooklyn are how bad the neighbor hoods can be and etc... However this would be realism because as i read on into the story it told how drug dealers would shoot people, and how people struggled everyday just to survive even if it meant doing disgusting things just to make it in the hood.