Thursday, April 19, 2007

Dark Romanticism

1.* Nathaniel Hawthorne would be against transcendentalism because he believed that part of his family was evil. he disclaimed his family and knew all people weren't good and pure. his family was his living proof.

* Herman Melville would not be considered pure or good he witnessed cannibals and knew that the world held hatred and unruly people. He wrote a book about a shark eating a sailor's leg completely off called "Moby Dick". It shows that his mind held evil and that would not be God's thought. i say it holds evil because a clean minded person in other words a pure minded person wouldn't have evil thoughts about eating someone or harming them.

* Edgar Allen Poe is completely weird and crazy; he would have disagreed totally with Transcendentalist because of what happened in his life. This author wrote about terrifying events that happened when the character was under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The stories he has written are really disturbing and proves that he needs help.

2. Different personalities have different reactions. When it comes to evil thoughts i would disagree. I don't think this would or the people in it would be considered pure based on what is happening around us everyday and the different events that take place. I think i would be Dark Romantic because nothing/no one is pure in my eyes except GOD.

3.~~~~~~~~~~~~READ THE EXPERT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

4. "The Black Cat" was scary and it made him look weird. When i first started reading i got the impression that he loved pets. "I was especially fond of animals, and was indulged by my parents with a great variety of pets" His cat was named Pluto he really seemed to love this cat. "Pluto was my favorite pet and playmate" He then says that he becomes moody and irritated with the cat and looses his mind. "I seized him when in his fright at my violence he inflicted a slight wound upon my hand with his teeth. The fury of a demon instantly possessed e. I knew myself no longer. My original soul seemed at once to take its flight from my body; and a more than fiendish malevolence, grin nurtured thrilled every fiber of my frame. I took then from my coat pocket a pin knife opened it grasped the poor beast by the throat, and cut one of its eyes from the socket! I blush, I burn, I shudder while pen the damnable atrocity." This story was crazy and shows the difference between Transcendentalist and Dark Romantics. Poe really should have gotten himself help. Transcendentalists are wrong because again no one is pure by a long shot. what really stood out to me in this story was how evil and aggressive Poe became in let me realize that everyone has an evil thought every now and then.

5. I really can feel what he is feeling when i read this and it some how depresses my mood. I can imagine how angry he was with the raven for not really giving him a full answer and that ticked him off even further and dug deep into his skin.
I would say that this describes a Transcendental idea because it shows how upset the bird make Mr. Poe. The bird represented evil and pain and it hurt the author to reveal the answers to his questions. Every single question was complied with "Nevermore".

6. Poe's parents died at his birth. He was taken in by a guy named John Allen. He was a drug addict and he often would write about his addiction. Every last on of Edgar's wives died and at each occurrence he got crazier. He was a smart man but he drove himself insane.