Thursday, April 19, 2007

Do you take this woman? By: RM Johnson pages 1-321

This book was a really good book its about two guys by the name of Pete and Wayne. Pete's mom leaves him when he was ten years old and Wayne parents took him in so automatically they became brothers in there eyes. They both are in love with this girl name Carla but Pete had her first when they were in college. Wayne somehow managed to get her to leave Pete and odd months later he was engaged and ready to marry. Wayne decided he wanted to sleep around on Carla before the big day. Pete was totally against the idea and told him not to do it. About a week later Wayne told Pete that he had done it and Pete ran straight to Carla with the new. He knew h was wrong but he was looking out for her thinking he was being a good friend. about a year or two later Pete married Carla, and Wayne was there to be his best man even though it hurt him to see his brother marrying the girl of his dreams....well the book goes on to say that Carla and Wayne all of a sudden starts seeing each other behinds Pete back. Pete was always trying to make his relationship work. But Carla was pulling away from him this went on for 2 months until Pete said he was tired of her excuses about why she was treating him the way that she was. So being upset and neglected he went out to the bar found a woman and took her back to the hotel for an night cap. He was man enough to tell Carla what he did and she didn't take it lightly even though she was the one that caused everything. so she told him that she was going to sleep with another man just to make it even because although she was seeing Wayne she wasn't sleeping with him she was just having dinner and talking as they put it. So Pete says he wants to choose the person that she sleeps with although he really didn't want to. Pete chose Wayne although he knew it would change things with all three. But Wayne and Carla made a promise not to do anything with each other just to make him think she did so he can carry the feeling of being cheated on. Wayne was engaged to a girl by the name of Michele she went along with the idea only because he said nothing was going to happen. well Wayne went ahead and told Pete about the plan without Carla knowing. Wayne an Carla ended up sleeping together anyway and they realized that they still had feelings for one another. so Carla told her husband that she had planed on seeing Wayne to see if he had any ties still connected. Pete was hurt and he went to his job which was a practice that him and Wayne share and beat Wayne up. He warned him to stay away from Carla although he didn't listen. When he found out that Wayne was still seeing his wife he called the police and they went and picked him up because he was committing adultery. Carla bailed him out and Wayne went to fight him again only this time he had hatred in his eyes and a look of kill Carla informed him that she was pregnant and he asked if it was his. she said she wasn't sure and that made him go off the wall he rushed over to Wayne's and they fought for a minute then Wayne fell hard and busted his head on a fire place i think it was. Carla came rushing over and called the police the ambulance came an being that Pete was a doctor he tried everything he could to save his brother and he hated Carla for making him choose between her and his brother who took him in. Wayne died but Pete got out of jail and Carla was still wanting to be there with him but at Wayne's funeral Pete arrived before everyone and talked to him and Carla showed up and Pete told her he didn't want to be with her but his child or his nephew would be taken care of.

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