Thursday, January 11, 2007


1. The puritans were English colonist who left England because they had different beliefs and they had different religions then most of the other people. They had beliefs that people thought were weird, and crazy and most likely they didn't agree with what was being said. The Puritans believe that this world is full of sin, and that your born into it and god only saves those that he feel deserves to be saved, or those he want to save. They also believe that god only didn't give his life for every individual that he only died for the chosen ones. Gods grace isn't giving it can not be denied or earned, and if your given grave its going against god. Every puritan believed this it was called Puritanism.

2) Leader of the Puritans, William Bradford, wrote an excerpt called "Plymouth Plantation". He and his religious followers were on a boat named the "Mayflower" and landed on Plymouth to colonize it for the Puritans. He spoke on how thankful people were to finally land after traveling over troubled seas and how he felt about the whole thing. I think it must have been hard to runaway from England and come across seas with people who believe only what you do, and not know where you were going. A few Puritans one day followed some Indians, where they found water and food (corn). They returned to the colony with the corn they had found and showed it to the leader, who then decided he wanted to explore the land they were speaking of. They made a treaty, because the Indians were mad about it. The treaty stated:

a)he nor his people would hurt the Indians or their people
b)if they had taken anything, it would have to be replaced
c)that he send the offender if they do anything hurtful
d)that they shouldn't do wrong by them
e)they couldn't bring their bows and arrows along with them.

The Puritans became the Pilgrims, which we know alot about today. Even if you can't comprehend their beliefs, it's always nice to be understanding and respectful of their religion. Sinners was kind of boring i couldn't really get into it but "Plymouth Plantation" was much more intresting

3) Plymouth Plantation pointed out good beliefs.

3) EXAMPLE1- (Being thus arrived in a good harbor, and brought safe to land, they fell upon their knees and blessed the God of Heaven who had brought them over the fast and furious ocean, and delivered them from all the perils and miseries thereof) i think that this is an example of unconditional election because they feel that GOD saves those he wishes, and only a few are selected for salvation, and by doing so they feel that it was gods will for them to arrive safely.

Example 2-(But here I cannot but stay and make a pause, and stand half amazed at this poor people's present condition) In my opinion i feel in some kind of odd way this is talking about Total Depravity simply because the people are poor and maybe its because of Adam & eves down fall.

EXAMPLE3-(Neither could they, as it were, go up to the top of Pisgah to view from this wilderness a more goodly country to feed their hopes; for which way soever they turned their eyes (save upward to the heavens) they could have little solace or content in respect of any outward objects. ) i think this one is an example of Perseverance of the "SAINTS", because it seems as if they're questioning god

.4) I think the Puritans were like really easy going people. I don't believe they cared too much about what other people had to say or what they thought about their religion. I think they're really adventurous and ambitious to set out on their own to find somewhere to colonize, even though they found Plymouth by mistake. I think as long as they had God by their sides, they knew they were ok. Sinners kind of gave me a bore, but "Plymouth Plantation" was much more of my interest.

1 comment:

D a n a said...

Nice work here. I like the way you incorporated your evidence into your answers.