Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Rationalism Lit Priject

1. The Puritans were different from the Rationalists because, purtians as we discovered believed strongly in god, Rationalists however believed strongly in science. Rationalists had a desire to find reasons for things happening the way they did. Rationalists would find things out by using certain methods mostly Science. An example that Puritans would think was supposed to occur would be getting the flu, they would feel that it was supposed to happen. Figuring out a cure would be an example of the Rationalists point of view because they would want to find a cure or a medication.

2. Read/Browse through the Expert...

3. Franklin is considered a Rationalists because he taught himself science. He was considered atheist which means he didn't believe in GOD. Franklin had a list of 13 virtues, every problem he had he would make a list of them and work them out one problem at a time. He felt he could make changes on his own and that god couldn't solve everything. I don't think the Puritans would have liked Ben Franklin at all because he went against their beliefs. Making a list is sorting your problems out and by making this list Franklin felt he didn't have to consult with god he felt there was another way to do things.

4. My Virtues
1. Money- make more money, work harder
2. Influence- go with what i know is right, don't let others drag me along
3. Life- make more of it live to my ability
4. Time- use it wisely
5. Attitude- loose the nasty one and create a better more positive one
6. Trouble- stay away from anyone that i feel will get me in trouble
7. Friends- make some and stop blocking everyone out of my life
8. Forgiveness- Forgive to the best of my ability but never forget
9. Family- get along with as much as possible
10. Emotions- stop holding them in talk to someone
11. Hurt- don't take my frustrations out on others deal with it in a better way
12. Honesty- take advantage of the opportunity
13. Self Control- don't jump to conclusions, keep my temper

5. "All men are created equal", The purtians would have considered this as Limited Atonement, god only chose a few to be treated a certain way. Rationalists felt that all men should have the same rules and should be treated the same. they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. Puritans would have thought of this as Total Depravity because they believed everyone is born sinful. Prudence, indeed will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. In a way this would be Perseverance of the Saints*puritans*. it's impossible to go against the will of god.


D a n a said...

You are very close to being done here. You need to add direct evidence to your explanation of how Franklin is a Rationalist, and you need some evidence from the Declaration of Independence as well.

Leave me another comment when you are done with these additions.

D a n a said...

This is better.
