Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Rationalism Lit Priject

1. The Puritans were different from the Rationalists because, purtians as we discovered believed strongly in god, Rationalists however believed strongly in science. Rationalists had a desire to find reasons for things happening the way they did. Rationalists would find things out by using certain methods mostly Science. An example that Puritans would think was supposed to occur would be getting the flu, they would feel that it was supposed to happen. Figuring out a cure would be an example of the Rationalists point of view because they would want to find a cure or a medication.

2. Read/Browse through the Expert...

3. Franklin is considered a Rationalists because he taught himself science. He was considered atheist which means he didn't believe in GOD. Franklin had a list of 13 virtues, every problem he had he would make a list of them and work them out one problem at a time. He felt he could make changes on his own and that god couldn't solve everything. I don't think the Puritans would have liked Ben Franklin at all because he went against their beliefs. Making a list is sorting your problems out and by making this list Franklin felt he didn't have to consult with god he felt there was another way to do things.

4. My Virtues
1. Money- make more money, work harder
2. Influence- go with what i know is right, don't let others drag me along
3. Life- make more of it live to my ability
4. Time- use it wisely
5. Attitude- loose the nasty one and create a better more positive one
6. Trouble- stay away from anyone that i feel will get me in trouble
7. Friends- make some and stop blocking everyone out of my life
8. Forgiveness- Forgive to the best of my ability but never forget
9. Family- get along with as much as possible
10. Emotions- stop holding them in talk to someone
11. Hurt- don't take my frustrations out on others deal with it in a better way
12. Honesty- take advantage of the opportunity
13. Self Control- don't jump to conclusions, keep my temper

5. "All men are created equal", The purtians would have considered this as Limited Atonement, god only chose a few to be treated a certain way. Rationalists felt that all men should have the same rules and should be treated the same. they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. Puritans would have thought of this as Total Depravity because they believed everyone is born sinful. Prudence, indeed will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. In a way this would be Perseverance of the Saints*puritans*. it's impossible to go against the will of god.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Analytical Writing(R&B)

R&B music, which stands for Rhythm and Blues, is an urbanized form of popular music with strong repetitious rhythms. I chose to Analyze R&B because I really enjoy listening to different artists that have real issues to talk about, and are easy to relate to. This type of music isn’t like most raps or reggae but it shares some of the same qualities. Most songs have a fast beat or a dance beat but R&B simply has a soft beat that makes you think, relax, and reflect on things such as how your day went or how certain things have an impact on life.

R &B was started by African Americans but the father of R&B music was Louis Jordan, one of the most influential R&B artists. Louis Jordan was a pioneer of style, combining driving vocals and a live-wire electric quitar and saxophone. He was one of the most popular R&B artists after World War 2. R&B has its roots in Jazz and Blues. The most common instruments you hear when listening to R&B are pianos. Guitars, drums, saxophone, trumpets, violins. Sometimes back in the day they would use harmonicas. Some of the instruments used in R&B music are used in Reggae music as well but however they produce different sounds. The instruments mainly depend on the artist and the way the song is flowing.

R&B in a sense is different from rap music because it’s not talking about how your living or making your money, the street life, gangs, or violence. The main focus is love, pain and wanting to make a difference in life. If you listen closely to the lyrics in an R&B song you’ll find that it’s mainly talking about the love the artist have for the person or wanting to change something around them or something in their life. Most R&B songs have a positive vibe, and are easy to listen to and catch on to, especially if you’re feeling down or feeling like doing something over the edge, I feel that everyone can relate to at least one R&B song.

My Favorite artist is Keshia White. She sings a song called "Weakness in Me", in this song she talks about not being strong enough to stand up for herself. In certain situation I feel that way because when your going through certain things its easy to get pushed around if your under pressure. In her song you get the impression that she is in love and that she’s having a hard time dealing with it she states in one of her verses "why do you come here when you know I got troubles enough, why do you call me when you know I cant answer the phone, make me lie when I don’t want to, and makes someone else some kind of unknowing fool make me stay when I should not are you so strong or it’s the weakness in me". I feel like this sometimes when I’m arguing with my boyfriend and I really need time away.

There are many artists that open my ears, such as Alicia Keys. In most of her songs she sings about love, about how she came from nothing, or not having someone to being someone that made a difference in someone’s life. In her song "If I Ain't Got You she sings"," Some people want it all But I don't want nothing at all If it ain't you baby If I ain't got you baby (Some people) want diamond rings Some just want everything But it means nothing, nothing If I ain't got you" I really like this song because that’s how I feel about my boyfriend even when we are upset with each other.

So as I broke down different parts of R&B from the song to the instruments to the artist, I feel I have convinced readers that R&B has great music and I think everyone should listen and at least give it a try. I think R&B music disappeared the world would be different in a sense because we would have way more violence than now. R&B is a relaxation period, give people a chance to think things over.

The Colddest Winter Ever pages 25-60

We have established that Mr. Ricky Santiaga is a big drug dealer. He decided to move his family to Long Island because things were getting out of control with his hustle and with outside men trying to corrupt his business. Winter wasn't so happy about this decision because she didn't want to leave her friends. However they did and winter wanted to get back to Brooklyn but her dad said he didn't really want her in Brooklyn alone so she schemed a plot to ask him could she go to get her hair done, because she didn't like the way the people in long Island did her hair. Winter is very sneaky and she tends to get what she wants so she to Brooklyn and tried to spend the night but however one of her daddy's men was ordered to find her and pick her up and take her back home. Santiaga explained to her that it was really dangerous for her to be in Brooklyn and to stay away until he said it was OK to go back. Another interesting part of what i have read is winters mom insisted on going with Santiaga to pick up her dream car for her b-day which he had been promising for a while, he was hesitant because he didn't mix business with pleasure however Winters mom always got her way also so they left, hours later Santiaga ordered Midnight one of his men to pick them up and take them to the hospital her mom had been shot in the face.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Coldest Winter Ever By: Sister Souljah pg 1-25

The Coldest Winter Ever so far is about a this little girl who was born in NY into a family of violence and drugs. Her father Ricky Santiaga was considered the drug lord that ran the projects that they lived in he had workers that worked for him and watched over his family while he was out making money. There apartment wasn't like most projects they had everything that you could imagine that spelled out "we have money". Winter so far is the only child born, and she is on top of the game.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


1. The puritans were English colonist who left England because they had different beliefs and they had different religions then most of the other people. They had beliefs that people thought were weird, and crazy and most likely they didn't agree with what was being said. The Puritans believe that this world is full of sin, and that your born into it and god only saves those that he feel deserves to be saved, or those he want to save. They also believe that god only didn't give his life for every individual that he only died for the chosen ones. Gods grace isn't giving it can not be denied or earned, and if your given grave its going against god. Every puritan believed this it was called Puritanism.

2) Leader of the Puritans, William Bradford, wrote an excerpt called "Plymouth Plantation". He and his religious followers were on a boat named the "Mayflower" and landed on Plymouth to colonize it for the Puritans. He spoke on how thankful people were to finally land after traveling over troubled seas and how he felt about the whole thing. I think it must have been hard to runaway from England and come across seas with people who believe only what you do, and not know where you were going. A few Puritans one day followed some Indians, where they found water and food (corn). They returned to the colony with the corn they had found and showed it to the leader, who then decided he wanted to explore the land they were speaking of. They made a treaty, because the Indians were mad about it. The treaty stated:

a)he nor his people would hurt the Indians or their people
b)if they had taken anything, it would have to be replaced
c)that he send the offender if they do anything hurtful
d)that they shouldn't do wrong by them
e)they couldn't bring their bows and arrows along with them.

The Puritans became the Pilgrims, which we know alot about today. Even if you can't comprehend their beliefs, it's always nice to be understanding and respectful of their religion. Sinners was kind of boring i couldn't really get into it but "Plymouth Plantation" was much more intresting

3) Plymouth Plantation pointed out good beliefs.

3) EXAMPLE1- (Being thus arrived in a good harbor, and brought safe to land, they fell upon their knees and blessed the God of Heaven who had brought them over the fast and furious ocean, and delivered them from all the perils and miseries thereof) i think that this is an example of unconditional election because they feel that GOD saves those he wishes, and only a few are selected for salvation, and by doing so they feel that it was gods will for them to arrive safely.

Example 2-(But here I cannot but stay and make a pause, and stand half amazed at this poor people's present condition) In my opinion i feel in some kind of odd way this is talking about Total Depravity simply because the people are poor and maybe its because of Adam & eves down fall.

EXAMPLE3-(Neither could they, as it were, go up to the top of Pisgah to view from this wilderness a more goodly country to feed their hopes; for which way soever they turned their eyes (save upward to the heavens) they could have little solace or content in respect of any outward objects. ) i think this one is an example of Perseverance of the "SAINTS", because it seems as if they're questioning god

.4) I think the Puritans were like really easy going people. I don't believe they cared too much about what other people had to say or what they thought about their religion. I think they're really adventurous and ambitious to set out on their own to find somewhere to colonize, even though they found Plymouth by mistake. I think as long as they had God by their sides, they knew they were ok. Sinners kind of gave me a bore, but "Plymouth Plantation" was much more of my interest.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

About me

My name is Kayla but i go by Nicole, and my friends call me Pooh. I am 17 yrs old and i love to have fun and go out. I live with my mom, step dad, and grandmother. I have two sisters and a brother. I'm originally from NY (Kingsbridge Bronx). i recently moved to Athens to live with my grandfather and my sister technically speaking my aunt. I work at Mickey D's and i love the people i work with. I like making friends and i like to make the people I'm around or with have fun, and try new things. I also like spending time with Adarien (my boyfriend) he makes me the happiest person in the world.