Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Candy Licker By: Norie1-150

This book so far is about a little girl name Candy Raye who lives with her mother and her sister Caramel. They struggle to keep a place to stay and food to eat. There mother is basically a prostitute and she drags candy and caramel around with her to do her thing just to put food in their mouths. Candy and her mother both could sing really good. That is Candy's dream to be able to make it big and sing. One day her mom wanted to try and prostitute her, and a man by the name of Nickey Gabriano comes to save them from the man attacking them and they get locked up. Candy and her mom both went to jail and when candy was out of custody her and caramel was sent to foster care. She was working in a restaurant to help pay for her and her friends to get their demo tape off the ground. well she ran back into Nickey and he offered her a better job in traveling mob money..which is drug money it is really dangerous. He stole her from the foster home and gave her her own apt and when her mom got back on her feet she moved caramel and her mom into her apt. One day Candy got an opportunity to go sing in the House of Homicide which is this big thing in the music industry. and she had to break the news to Nickey he didn't like it and she said that she could get her mom to make the drop but Nickey wasn't trying to hear that because he knew how money hungry her mom was so he make a promise that if his money got screwed Candy and her mom would pay. well it did and when she came back home she found her mom dead and Carmel with a bullet in her head. caramel went to the hospital. Candy went home knowing it was a bad idea and minutes later she was being beaten but the guy from the house of homicide that had heard her sing a couple days earlier came to her rescue because he was really close to Nickey. so they let her go and from now on she is Hurricanes property.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Transcendentalism lit project 4

Transcendentalist believed that god spoke through peoples minds and their work of effort. they believed every human was pure and goo, they also believed that god could communicate to peopole through nature and intuition.

When i first read the writing Nature by Ralph Emerson it was very confusing i know i re-read this writing 3 or 4 times to really get a hang on and even beging to explain what it was talking about. In my opionion it is talking about loving nature. Ralph had the feeling that people didn't love nature or appreciate it. In reality this is actually true. He talks about stars and what if they would appear one night out of an odd amount of years..i ask this question what would be the point? who would that satisfy. To be able to appreciate nature you have to get a feel for it for example in this quote ,"The lover of nature is he whose inward and outward senses are still truly adjusted to each other; who has retained the spirit of infancy even into the era of manhood". To me this is saying that people not only love nature with their hearts but they respect it with their minds.

"Nature" would be a great example of transcendentalism because, the story is describing how mankind and nature interact with God.In this writing the writer expresses how God talks with man through nature. for instance he states that if the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and respect nature. The story also says that His intercourse with heaven and earth becomes a wild delight runs through the man, in spite of real sorrows. "Nature says—he is my creature, and despite all his impertinent grief’s, he shall be glad with me.

"Self-Reliance" would fit into the different types of ways a man can act as if he has constant attitude changes. There is a time in every man ‘s education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better, or for worse. The power that resides in him through new nature, and none but he knows what that which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried. " It takes a divine man to exhibit anything devine". I really feel this quote expresses how man has been chosen because of his bravery and strong mindedness.
"Great men have always done so and confided themselves childlike to the genius of their age, betraying their perception that the Eternal was stirring at their heart, working through their hands, predominating in all their being. To me this is saying that all a man really has to do is put his best effort into something to achieve his goal.

"Resistance To Civil Government" talks about how people should be governed. American government is a tradition, though a recent one was endeavoring to transmit itself unimpaired to posterity, but each instant loosing some of its intensity. The standing army is only an arm of the standing government. To sum it all up having a government is about wanting to do something or make a change for the better.
This story tells how people under the government havt to abide by the rules that are set. A transcendetalist would not like having a government. Trancendentalist didn't believe in a such thing a an government because they thought the human individual mind was the strongest in the universe.

4. Susan and David planned to marry as soon as they graduated high school. David's father owns a small grocery store, and he has promised David a full-time managerial position once he graduates high school. During their senior year, Susan begins to think she would like to go to school hundreds of miles away. In the Spring, Susan recieves a full scholarship to this far-off school, and she has also continued making wedding plans with David.

first off me and david would have had to have a clear understanding an alot of planning to do i would make sure that he was willing to understand that i was trying to better myself by going off to a good school. i would have continued to plan for marriage but i would get my schooling out of the way first.Most of all i would have prayed about it because i feel that god will never steer you in the wrong place.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

The Coldest WInter Ever By: Sister Souljah 80-465

OK last i wrote about how Winter ran off to Brooklyn. she drove her moms new car and pretended to be going to some college party. when she tried to sneak back in the house she pulled the car around the back. Her mom was out there fixing to hit her with a bat because she thought it was the police. She then explained to Winter that the police had broken into their home and took Santiaga to jail. Winter started crying and so did her mom but little did they know worst was right up the road. They were waiting around for a phone call from Santiaga to give them instructions, their whole life they were being given everything that they didn't have anything or anyone to fall on bc their family didn't really like them bc they turned against them and thought they were better than every one. Sister souljah plays a part in the book where she is inspirational she wants everyone to take the right path no matter the age or anything. Midnight one of the workers for Santiaga was very big on Sister Souljah even though he did his deal for Ricky he always keep his self clean. He didn't stash his stuff in his place he kept it safe so he was the only worker of Santiaga that didn't go to jail. Winter had a big crush on Midnight but he wasn't really looking to be with her, he said she was childish and too stuck up. Winters mom went to jail, and winter needed answers it was just her bc child services took her sisters. She ended up staying with her aunt until her mom got out but when she did she got on drugs real bad and her aunt started stealing from here and called defax to come and get her. winter ended up in a children's home and since she was 17 she only had a few months there but that was not going to happen for her. she started a hustle just like her daddy instead of drugs she was getting her pregnant friend Simone to steal things for her an she would sell the products to the girls in the house. After a while of stealing Simone got locked up and she needed winter to get her out. Winter bailed out and Simone lost her baby in jail and she blamed winter and surely was going to kill her when she say her. Winter couldn't go back to the house bc Simone would be waiting for her and some of the girls from the house so one of the girls that was a fan of sister souljah took her to sister souljahs house. Winter could not stand sister souljah she thought everything she said was worthless when in life it really made since. so she stayed there went to concerts and chilled with sister souljahs sister. Lucy i think her name was, was a real big trouble starter she hung out smoked weed and got drunk all the time and she liked staying with her sister bc of all the freedom and the famous people they got to meet. Winter did it for a little while but she ended up stealing money from an event they did, and left she ended up with a drug dealer boyfriend. She ended up in jail, and so did her home girls from he hood, only bc they were girlfriends of drug dealers.

I liked this book you really have to read it to understand more of what its about. when i first picked this book up i thought i wasn't going to like it but i couldn't put it down this book is a life lesson bc it shows you real life situations. I recommend this book to any and everyone i really enjoyed this book.