Monday, February 26, 2007

Love Me Or I'll Kill You By: Lee Butcher

This book so far is about a girl name Paula and a man name Chino who are very poor. They have a 2 year old daughter to feed with neither one of them working. Chino is very Possessive and he basically rules Paula and she follows everything he says do, if not he beats her. They have robbed a bank and so far they are on the run.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

American Romanticism Lit Project: 3

1. I read the Legend of Sleepy Hollow. The story takes place i n a small town, which was referred to as Tarry Town. The town was given its name by the good housewives of the adjacent Country. This tale is about a "Headless Horseman" who haunts Sleepy Hollow. In this tale they state a man named Ichabod Crane. Ichabod goes to Tarry Town and makes Brom Bones mad. Brom Bones was this big man made up of mettle and mischief, and which no one but himself could manage. They have a huge feud. One night Ichabod was told the tale of the "Headless Horseman". The story goes on to say that Ichabod was confronted by the Horseman and he some how disappears. In my opinion i think Brom Bones Confronted him when no one was around and killed him.

2.* What i found that i thought was romantic would be," A pleasing land of drowsy head it was, Of dreams that wave before the half-shut eye.* And of gay castles in the clouds that pass, Forever flushing round a summer sky. When i read this i could see where the author was coming from i could really imagine things the way he wrote it.

3. This poem is about a17yr old boy, William Cullen Bryan. To me he is describing how he feels aobut Mother Nature and death as if he feels dead, or as if he has died. The poem is basically saying that no matter what type of person you are or the life style you live we will all die the same, not actually the same but your body will be nutrients to the outdoors. Its saying that you shouldn't worry about death because when you are dad or depressed death will come quicker. Some people say that your mood depens on the weather say for instance if its raining outside you may feel restless, or if your having a bad morning it will reflect on your day. what makes the poem romantic is the nature and the meaning to it.

4. The point of the Poem Ropewalk was about a worker who prepared ropes. He describes the things he seen or the things he wanted to happen while working. The way he speaks makes him creative, what i like about it is how he could make you feel like you were there to see everything like you could feel the seabreeze, and see the ships. this is romanticism because it almost seems like everything he spoke about you could feel which would be another example of nature.

5. My painting is a good exaple of Romantacism because its free its a nice piece of work and when i look at it it makes me want to be in the same place. this could be considered romantic because of the setting. its a type of duck in maybe a pond with a big tree of some sort kind of on the side and rocks in the water. this would most likely be considerd a nature picture.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Writing II Discriptive writing

We took our seat in a private booth away from everyone at the restaurant called the California Patio Grill at Daytona Beach and looked at the menu. The restaurant was so romantic. There were candles set in the middle of each table; a bar was in the middle of the restaurant, and the best thing about it, the restrooms were in the back. The smell of seafood, burgers, chicken and all kinds of other food filled the restaurant. There were many different colors mixed together that made it cozy and comfortable. There were burgundy, greens, and yellows mixed with brown; it was really nice.
Darien was looking into my face telling me he loved me and that he was so happy we were able to take this trip to Daytona Beach. I replied saying, " I’m just glad we have a chance to spend one on one time together instead of having everyone in our business."
Darien was looking really nice. He had on a brown and cream striped polo with some brown Evisu shorts. His hair was nicely corn rolled with plenty of designs. He had on his custom made Forces, which were brown, and his name was written on them in cream colors. He had it going on. I on the other hand had on a cream top with a brown skirt, which had cream designs on it, and some brown strap up heels to go with it. My hair was in an up do with pretty twists. My nails were manicured with a French white tip and so were my toes.
Darien interrupted my train of thought when he said, " baby, what’s on your mind?" I was still looking at him as I adjusted my self, shifted, and brought up another subject. I kind of felt nervous because it had been a while since we had gone out on a romantic date and I was at a lost of words. I lied and told him I had a lot on my mind.

Our waitress approached us asking, " what can I get you two tonight". Darien said that he was going to have the Rose Oysters, along with the shrimp platter, and Sprite to go along with it. I thought he was being a pig, but I didn’t say much. I’m not that big on seafood so I ordered chicken strips and fries with a sweet tea. She wrote everything down and disappeared into the big restaurant filled with people dancing and enjoying themselves.
The kind of music that was playing was R&B mixed with Reggae; it had a nice soft steady tempo that people were loving. It was so nice to see people smiling and having a good time. Ten minutes later the waitress was back with our food. It seemed like so much- I was sure neither one of us were going to be able to eat all of it. It had a nice taste. It wasn’t like it was back at home; the seasoning was really different. It seemed to taste different in every bite. We ate and danced and talked for a while before we headed back to the hotel.
When we got back we still had so much energy. The night was still young and we were having too much fun to go to sleep. We had a suite fixed up really nicely with a king-sized bed, balcony, Jacuzzi, and a bar. The bed and the couch were so soft. The water in the Jacuzzi was really warm. There was also big screen TV and a telephone.
We changed clothes and we headed to the beach. It was dark, but the sand felt so good between my toes. The water looked as if it was calling my name. The breeze felt so good hitting my skin in a soft way. Darien was holding me very closely when he said, "baby I have something really important to ask you". I got really nervous and said," baby, lets go for a swim or just stick our toes in the water." He had a look of frustration on his face, but he didn’t get upset. We ran and jumped in the water, and it was so cool. It made me feel so good; I felt like I could stay there all night. I was in a different world away from all of my worries and problems. It was around 12:45 when we got back to the room we showered and had a couple of drinks then we went to bed.
I woke up around 11 to find him cooking breakfast. He said, " Good morning baby". I replied by repeating him as I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I was rubbing my fingers over my hair when I seen it. It was an engagement ring it was so big and heavy. I turned around to head out of the bathroom to ask him what was going on but he was right behind me, on his knees. He said "baby I love you, I have been trying so hard to get the strength to ask you to marry me. I tried at dinner last night, I tried at the beach but it seemed as if you were on to me so I thought it would have been best to do it when you were caught off guard." I started crying, then he finally asked me, "baby will you marry me", I was still sobbing like a baby and said, "Yes!"
We shared breakfast on the balcony to feel the breeze and look at how pretty the beach looked during the day. The sky was a pretty blue and so was the beach but it looked as if they were two different blues. The beach was sort of a turquoise blue, mixed with sand and the sky was almost baby blue, with the sun beaming down shining the beach. After breakfast we went shopping. I got spoiled for three days. We added more spice to our nightlife trying to check out every bar and restaurant they had on the beach.

Monday, February 5, 2007

The Coldest Winter Ever pages 60-80

Winters mom has returned from the hospital at this point, her face is really messed up. But to her surprise even though things went down the wrong way Santiaga had her dream car waiting on her even though she couldn't drive. This basically gave winter the exscape she has been wanting to get back to Brooklyn. So she told her dad that Hofstra University was giving a sorority party and since she was turning 17 she wanted to know if she could go but she was really going to take her moms car and go to Brooklyn for the night to hang out with her best friend Natalie an some guy friends.